CareerStorm NavigatorTM

Maximize the effect of your coaching

CareerStorm NavigatorTM contains a set of online career tools, that prepare the individual to have a more effective coaching discussion.

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"I realize that there is a BIG distinction between what CareerStorm is doing and what 'traditional' career management tools are doing..." - Tim, Australia

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How is it different?

Our career tools do not match profiles to suitable occupations. We focus on what the individual wants for their career and life. This approach makes the person the subject of the evaluation, not the object.

Philosophy behind the product

CareerStorm Navigator is used at several different organizations

Career/Leadership Consulting Companies use the software to enhance their existing programs or design new programs to organizations (e.g. career management programs, leadership development, organizational change, outplacement).

Corporate HR Departments use the software in their internal programs (e.g. competence and leadership development, internal recruitment, women returning to paid work).

Professional Associations use the software to coach their members' career decision making and career transitions.

Universities prepare students to make the study to work transition with the help of the software.

Private coaches support their work with individual clients and organizations.